Have you ever thought about what type of person you are? Have you ever thought about how you want to show up in this world? If you’ve never thought about this, don’t worry, most people haven’t. However, I believe asking and answering this question about yourself is absolutely imperative to success in life.
There’s a funny thing about life. If you don’t consciously decide on something, you are still making a decision, you just don’t realize you have made a decision.
Let’s use an example. I’m sure you have a friend that is always late. Late to the office, late to the party, late, late, late. The only thing you can count on about this person is they will show up later than the time specified. Do you think this person consciously decided they would be the type of person that shows up late? Most likely not. They didn’t think about it at all. The irony is because they did not consciously choose to be timely, they organically became the person who shows up late.
So then I go back to, what type of person are you? How would the ones closest to you describe you and is that description what you want to be? If not, it might be time to think about who you want to be and start taking actions towards being that person.
Here’s the breakdown of how I want to present myself in this world. I first started this in 2018 and have revised these many times. It’s a constant work in progress, but work I want to do to be the best version of me.
These words apply to every aspect of my life. My relationships, my fitness, my career and pretty much everything I do. I want to be a great communicator. This means communicating with my wife, kids, co-workers and the public. I want to be mentally strong, which means pushing through when I want to quit. This can apply to work, fitness, parenting. I want to be grateful, thus I take time each day to appreciate what is around me. And so on and so on…
What are your words? What type of person are you?
Mentally Strong | Intelligent | Ambitious | Lead by example | Gets the job done |
Physically Strong | Disciplined | Achiever of goals | Enthusiastic | High energy |
Timely | Empathetic | Quick learner | Honest | Grateful |
Athletic | Accountable | Great communicator | Funny | Wealthy |
Confident | Resilient | Well-spoken | Witty | Successful |
Patient | Motivational | Business Magnate | M&A specialist | Loving |
Independent thinker | Magnetic | Knowledgeable | Efficient | Hard working |